Today I went for a walk to Wilton Shopping Centre, and then a little further out to the newly opened, and totally amazing, Bonza Pies (it used to be up by IBI, it's in Cork now!).
On my way back I was thinking about the third ODDs book, which is the one I am presently writing, the second ODDs (called "The ODDs: Chaos and Discord") is finished. The thoughts were prompted by a Church that I have always imagined part of the third ODDs taking place in. This led to thoughts about how much is happening in the third ODDs book.
I want to do the third ODDs a little differently. The first and second ODDs are like Harry Potter books in the sense that everything that occurs in them takes place over the course of a year. (May-May ish)
In the third ODDs I wanted to do the entire story in less time. However, the ending of the third ODDs is limited to two periods of time based on rules laid down in the first ODDs.
These two time periods are Halloween and somewhere near the summer solstice. These are the only two dates on which the Dimensional Portal in Oakhill can be opened (recently I did some Oakhill sketches, I may try upload them here). That means that I would either have to start the story in June(ish) and go to Halloween, or skip some time in the timeline and start the third book later in the third year of the ODDs story, or run through a full year again.
To shorten what I could say there are about fifteen to twenty chapters in the ODDs. Over the Summer months four of those are already taken up. Then they find the fire Empowered's weapon (you will learn about those in the ODDs 2) then there are a couple of chapters, then one on the evils of smoking... Anyway, there will end up being a lot of chapters. The third ODDs also introduces The Healing Empowered, The Metal Empowered, The Air Empowered, and the Forging Empowered. That's four new types of Empowered, four new characters with back stories.
On top of that the Lightning Empowered, Jon Martin, makes his come back to the ODDs storyline and whatever happened at the end of the ODDs 2 means there will be FOUR new Growth Empowered.
Just because that isn't enough one of the new Empowered comes from the US, and has a dad in the US Army, so they will be getting involved in the ODDs' affairs; the Guiders aren't too happy with the things they have been witness to in Limerick either, and they plan to retaliate against the charismatic leadership of David; and, because I am a sucker for punishment, I am introducing an alternate timeline, one in which David Murphy is not, and never was the Water Empowered, which could be a book in itself I guess.
In short,
There is too much in the ODDs 3 to be contained within one book. I felt a lot more at peace with the story if there were two books to contain all of this story. That way I can do two books and do one to Christmas and one to Summer.
BUT... Adding a story means that there would be THIRTEEN stories in the ODDs, meaning that all the symbolism of TWELVE Grand Masters, TWELVE Empowered, across TWELVE books would be lost. So, I have decided to scrap book 9 of the present ODDs timeline and include it in the end of book 8 (9 now) and the start of book 10.
New ODDs running order is as follows:
Possible Comic Book Prequels:
-The Grand Masters
-The Many Adventures of James Games (the story of the first Water Empowered).
The Limerick Trilogy:
-The ODDs Beginnings (which you have hopefully ordered by now... it has a black cover.)
-The ODDs 2: Chaos and Discord (it will have a green cover, expect it around 2015).
-The ODDs: Dragons (a spin off of the ODDs 2)
-The ODDs 3: Prophetic Revenge (?, it will a blue cover, but I can't think what it will be called yet)
The Cork Trilogy:
-The ODDs 4: The Battle for Limerick (which will have a red cover.)
-The ODDs 5: Apocalypse. (Grey Cover)
-The ODDs: Richard (working title, a spin off of what is now the ODDs 5)
-The ODDs 6: Colonies (brown cover)
The Other Trilogy:
-The ODDs 7:
-The ODDs 8: Father.
-The ODDs 9
(It would be at this point in the story that I have removed a book. It was going to be called "The ODDs: Rage")
The Next Generation Trilogy:
-The ODDs 10: Generation Z.
-The ODDs 11: Collection.
-The ODDs 12: Always Darkest.
Other books that weave in and out of the main timeline:
-The ODDs: TimeWarp.
-The ODDs: Romeo's Diary.
That about sums it up. Yes, there are more than 12 books in the ODDs series
Welcome to my blog. Here you will find things such as short stories I write, bits of novels, thoughts on Scripture that I'm reading, possibly talks that I have done (in text form) and sometimes a random thought that pops into my head.
The contents of some posts will be about my reading and will have bits of the little bit of life experience I have. Things such as "I saw a tree, it was an oak tree, I know because my life experience of primary school told me!"
Also there is a post on here about milk. Read that one, it's enjoyable!!
Some things you see here were written by a version of me I no longer agree with. I considered deleting these. I probably should. But I want to leave them here in order to show and indicate how someone can grow, learn, and have different opinions than they once held as they learn more about the world and themselves.
Tuesday, 28 January 2014
Monday, 13 January 2014
So apparently Blog Award Nominations are a thing now!
Hello friends and avid, or casual, readers. I apologise I have not been writing much lately, soon I will. I have six months with a short passage in Mark, I imagine you will be hearing about it soon, but that's not why we are hear today.
There exists in the world of blogging on the interwebs this thing called 'The Liebster awards" they basically highlight blogs and award good ones, and other such things.
So I have had a nomination from the wonderful Shane Vaughan. Who is, like me, a writer and posts some of his writing online. While we are on the topic of Shane please check out Shane's Serial, which will surely be a book someday.
Ok, so on to the awards:
The Liebster awards are for bloggers and by bloggers as a way of spreading the word about good blogs on the internet. The rules are as follows.
1. Link back to the blog that nominated your blog.
2. Answer the questions that they set for the blogs they nominated.
3. Nominate ten blogs of your own, be sure to let them know with a link to your post.
4. Ask ten questions for the blogs you have nominated in your post.
There's pretty much no way I'm winning anything with this, but it made me make a post so why not, haha. I have to answer ten questions from Shane now.
1. Why start a blog?
Sometimes I feel like I have things to say, sometimes I want to let people read mini parts of the things I write, and the mini things I write. Sometimes theology makes me ponder and so I ponder in the direction of the general public, which possibly gets me in trouble.
2. What was great about 2013?
Gosh, here's a list:
I went to IBI (Irish Bible Institute) for the first time in January and did two modules.
I started my Masters of Applied Theology there in August.
I taught in Villiers as a history teacher in February.
I visited Londonia in March and August with various lovely.
I went to Disneyland Paris in May with Andy and Jon.
I wrote a book in about four months.
That book was subsequently published under the title: "Lee Kennedy: a Life Changing Friendship"
On top of that "The ODDs Beginnings" was finally published after years and years of waiting for it to be.
The Alpha Course we started in 87 and all the new friendships growing from it.
3. What do you look forward to in 2014?
More theology classes.
Another trip to London.
Spain? Maybe.
The ODDs and Lee Kennedy's book launch at the end of January.
The continuation of the Alpha group in 87.
And I'm hopeful of the British Fantasy Awards, I've been long-listed in two categories, having the ODDs 2: Chaos and Discord published, finishing Erebus, Scourge and Sleeper and maybe having one of them published as well.
4. Biggest fear?
Do you mean for 2014 or ever?
-For 2014, no sales meaning no future publications. I'm just beginning to dip my toes in this 'writing as a career' pool. I do not wish for it to be over so soon. Consequentially, if you like the ODDs or Lee Kennedy, please tell other people about it!
-For all time. Wasps. I have a sneaky suspicion that one day Lucifer was skipping through Heaven and saw God creating the universe. When Lucifer noted what God was doing he was upset, and a little jealous. God stopped creating (creation was nearly done) and allowed his angel to make something. Satan made wasps. God cast him from Heaven. That's the book of David 1:3-6.*
5. Greatest desire?
Gosh, Shane, thanks for keeping it simple...
I don't actually know.
I would love to open something where God would be worshipped and glorified regularly. Not Church, like something more than what we perceive Church to be, but actually it would be what Church is meant to be.
Also the books to do well, become movies and a theme park, mostly in order to fund the above.
6. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Some mornings a trip to Dublin for college.
Other mornings, Sunday, Church.
Still other mornings hunger.
My life revolves around reading and writing these days, all of which I could do from the comfort of my bed if needs be.
7. Favourite word, and why, and tell me about the root of that word.
Shane. I would not discriminate against words by liking one more than any others. I think it is wrong to like one word more than any other word.
However, if I had to chose right now it would be contemporvant. This is not a word found in the English dictionary, I would imagine, but it is the most awesome word.
It refers to the need for the Gospel to be presented as both contemporary, and not some outdated thing, and relevant to the lives of the hearers.
I first heard it in a video slagging off the commercialisation of Christianity. In it this church was calling its services better than anything dubbed contemporary or relevant, and then said that, it was, in fact, contemporvant.
Now, that gives it negative connotations, but I think, as someone engaged in thinking about the Church in the Twenty-first century, that new words like this are needed to break the mould of the terms we have had for a long time that now display no meaning, or even negative connotations. So the Church needs to be contemporvant, not contemporary or relevant but a mixture of the two. Here's that video if you want to see it.
8. What's your aim for your blog?
I don't really have an aim.
9. Do you have a five-year-plan?
10. Tell me a funny story?
You have probably already read this, but here you go ICE.
Okay, now I have to tag blogs right?
-He doesn't write anymore but his view on Christmas was great: Jamie Cowpar.
-This is a person who bakes things: Anna-Victoria Lynch.
-Humorous views on the things Christians do can be found on this blog: Stuff Christians Like.
-Some blissful thinking: Avery Johnson.
-Aoife's Blog: Her Elfin Grot.
-Kim Patterson's blog: Pictures!
-My other blog: Just Wavey.
10 Questions for those bloggers.
1. Why did you start your blog?
2. Is there anything hanging on the walls of your bedroom?
3. What are your favourite sweets/chocolate/cake?
4. Where do you see yourself/want to be in five years time?
5. If you could study anything what would it be?
6. What's the last film you watched, did you like it?
7. What are you looking forward to?
8. Put your iPhone on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
9. Do you have connections to any celebrities? Tell me about them.
10. If you could only eat one type of food/dish, and drink one drink for the rest of your life what would you choose?
There exists in the world of blogging on the interwebs this thing called 'The Liebster awards" they basically highlight blogs and award good ones, and other such things.
So I have had a nomination from the wonderful Shane Vaughan. Who is, like me, a writer and posts some of his writing online. While we are on the topic of Shane please check out Shane's Serial, which will surely be a book someday.
Ok, so on to the awards:
The Liebster awards are for bloggers and by bloggers as a way of spreading the word about good blogs on the internet. The rules are as follows.
1. Link back to the blog that nominated your blog.
2. Answer the questions that they set for the blogs they nominated.
3. Nominate ten blogs of your own, be sure to let them know with a link to your post.
4. Ask ten questions for the blogs you have nominated in your post.
There's pretty much no way I'm winning anything with this, but it made me make a post so why not, haha. I have to answer ten questions from Shane now.
1. Why start a blog?
Sometimes I feel like I have things to say, sometimes I want to let people read mini parts of the things I write, and the mini things I write. Sometimes theology makes me ponder and so I ponder in the direction of the general public, which possibly gets me in trouble.
2. What was great about 2013?
Gosh, here's a list:
I went to IBI (Irish Bible Institute) for the first time in January and did two modules.
I started my Masters of Applied Theology there in August.
I taught in Villiers as a history teacher in February.
I visited Londonia in March and August with various lovely.
I went to Disneyland Paris in May with Andy and Jon.
I wrote a book in about four months.
That book was subsequently published under the title: "Lee Kennedy: a Life Changing Friendship"
On top of that "The ODDs Beginnings" was finally published after years and years of waiting for it to be.
The Alpha Course we started in 87 and all the new friendships growing from it.
3. What do you look forward to in 2014?
More theology classes.
Another trip to London.
Spain? Maybe.
The ODDs and Lee Kennedy's book launch at the end of January.
The continuation of the Alpha group in 87.
And I'm hopeful of the British Fantasy Awards, I've been long-listed in two categories, having the ODDs 2: Chaos and Discord published, finishing Erebus, Scourge and Sleeper and maybe having one of them published as well.
4. Biggest fear?
Do you mean for 2014 or ever?
-For 2014, no sales meaning no future publications. I'm just beginning to dip my toes in this 'writing as a career' pool. I do not wish for it to be over so soon. Consequentially, if you like the ODDs or Lee Kennedy, please tell other people about it!
-For all time. Wasps. I have a sneaky suspicion that one day Lucifer was skipping through Heaven and saw God creating the universe. When Lucifer noted what God was doing he was upset, and a little jealous. God stopped creating (creation was nearly done) and allowed his angel to make something. Satan made wasps. God cast him from Heaven. That's the book of David 1:3-6.*
5. Greatest desire?
Gosh, Shane, thanks for keeping it simple...
I don't actually know.
I would love to open something where God would be worshipped and glorified regularly. Not Church, like something more than what we perceive Church to be, but actually it would be what Church is meant to be.
Also the books to do well, become movies and a theme park, mostly in order to fund the above.
6. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Some mornings a trip to Dublin for college.
Other mornings, Sunday, Church.
Still other mornings hunger.
My life revolves around reading and writing these days, all of which I could do from the comfort of my bed if needs be.
7. Favourite word, and why, and tell me about the root of that word.
Shane. I would not discriminate against words by liking one more than any others. I think it is wrong to like one word more than any other word.
However, if I had to chose right now it would be contemporvant. This is not a word found in the English dictionary, I would imagine, but it is the most awesome word.
It refers to the need for the Gospel to be presented as both contemporary, and not some outdated thing, and relevant to the lives of the hearers.
I first heard it in a video slagging off the commercialisation of Christianity. In it this church was calling its services better than anything dubbed contemporary or relevant, and then said that, it was, in fact, contemporvant.
Now, that gives it negative connotations, but I think, as someone engaged in thinking about the Church in the Twenty-first century, that new words like this are needed to break the mould of the terms we have had for a long time that now display no meaning, or even negative connotations. So the Church needs to be contemporvant, not contemporary or relevant but a mixture of the two. Here's that video if you want to see it.
8. What's your aim for your blog?
I don't really have an aim.
9. Do you have a five-year-plan?
10. Tell me a funny story?
You have probably already read this, but here you go ICE.
Okay, now I have to tag blogs right?
-He doesn't write anymore but his view on Christmas was great: Jamie Cowpar.
-This is a person who bakes things: Anna-Victoria Lynch.
-Humorous views on the things Christians do can be found on this blog: Stuff Christians Like.
-Some blissful thinking: Avery Johnson.
-Aoife's Blog: Her Elfin Grot.
-Kim Patterson's blog: Pictures!
-My other blog: Just Wavey.
10 Questions for those bloggers.
1. Why did you start your blog?
2. Is there anything hanging on the walls of your bedroom?
3. What are your favourite sweets/chocolate/cake?
4. Where do you see yourself/want to be in five years time?
5. If you could study anything what would it be?
6. What's the last film you watched, did you like it?
7. What are you looking forward to?
8. Put your iPhone on shuffle and list the first 10 songs.
9. Do you have connections to any celebrities? Tell me about them.
10. If you could only eat one type of food/dish, and drink one drink for the rest of your life what would you choose?
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