Welcome to my blog. Here you will find things such as short stories I write, bits of novels, thoughts on Scripture that I'm reading, possibly talks that I have done (in text form) and sometimes a random thought that pops into my head.

The contents of some posts will be about my reading and will have bits of the little bit of life experience I have. Things such as "I saw a tree, it was an oak tree, I know because my life experience of primary school told me!"
Also there is a post on here about milk. Read that one, it's enjoyable!!
Some things you see here were written by a version of me I no longer agree with. I considered deleting these. I probably should. But I want to leave them here in order to show and indicate how someone can grow, learn, and have different opinions than they once held as they learn more about the world and themselves.

Sunday 6 October 2013

Life Scouts

Tonight, at ridiculous o'clock as per my usual, I discovered a website called LifeScouts. They have badges for doing things... I thought it would be interesting to see what I have done from their list of 100 things and share it. Here goes...

 I thought I would start with an obvious one.

Win Crane Machine Games.

I am exceptionally good at this. Since Christmas I have won:
- 1 Donald Duck
- 2 Little gold fish.
- 3 Muppets
- Minnie, Mickey and Pluto
- 2 PG Tips mascots.
                                               - 8 Furbys
                                               - 1 Christmas Bear.
                                               - 1 Weird cat thing.
                                               - 3 Despicable Me Minions.

Balloon Creation Maker

Here's one of those random things you don't know about me. I actually have a certificate in creating balloon animals. Yeah... Surprised? I also have one in face painting.

Be in a Parade.

I have been in a St. Patrick's Day Parade before. Only one, I don't remember the year, but it was CEF and the theme was "Dreams for the Limerick of the Future." #GodSaveIrelandOnceAgain.

Cook for a BBQ.

Who hasn't?

Go on a picnic.

Again, who hasn't?

Win an archery competition.

Archery is the only sport I enjoy. I have won two competitions in it.

Bake Cookies.

I did Home Ec. in school.

Milk a Cow.

I have not done this by hand but I think the machine thing counts.

Ride in a Cart pulled by a Horse.

Killarney, enough said.

Own a Pet.

I have had three goldfish and half a cat in my life. I don't remember the fish names. 2 were Power and Kid. The cat was called SnowB and was half my brother's.

Ride a Roller Coaster.

I like rollercoasters. Disney have some great ones. The Wild Mouse in Funderland is always fun too.

See Big Ben.

Before this March I had never been to London, but have been twice since then. I achieved the heck out of this badge. I also have a Lego model of it from Legoland now as well.

Win a Chess Tournament.

I was good at chess once, who knew?

Swim with a Dolphin.

I love dolphins... I can't swim but that's okay because they do all the work. #Florida.

Beat someone in a Fencing Match.

When I first came to UCC I did this until the club wanted money for equipment. I couldn't afford that, but I am pretty awesome with a sword, or well, I was.

Perform on a Stage.

I have been in two musicals. Won three singing competitions and one dancing one. Also have been in a couple of plays.

Gosh, I wanna be in a movie now!

Go Horse Riding.


Win a Karaoke Competition.

If I have won proper singing ones it follows that I have won karaoke.

Learn to play the Keyboard.

The only instrument I can play with some amount of ability...

Do a Magic Show.

My little brother used to be astounded by my magical abilities.

Bim, Bam, Boosil were my magic words.

The website was vague about what this badge means.
These are the options which it could apply for me.

Take a photograph- Who hasn't?
Join a Photography Club- There was one in Villiers.
Develop your own photos- Which is where I did this.
Upload a picture with Instagram- You can follow me, don't ask how. Look up 'Wavey1111' on it.
Have a photo you took published in a magazine- I took a picture from near the top of Croagh Patrick, which was in a magazine.
Have a photo you took on TV- I took a picture of light through clouds                                                                                                       over Rossnowlagh in Donegal,
                                                                                                    which appeared on TV3s weather once.

Win a Ping-Pong Match.

Apart from Badminton this was the only 'sport' I would do in PE in school. I hate sport.

Plant a Tree.

There is a tree in Villiers, a copper beach tree, which I planted when I was a second year. I hope it's still there.

Go on safari.

This probably doesn't count but I am counting it. I have never been to Africa, but I did do the Disney Safari Tour in Disney's Animal Kingdom in Walt Disney World Resort, Florida.

Win at Scrabble.

I will probably never beat Mags or Mrs. T. as long as I live, but I have won the odd game of this!

Hold a snake.

Did this at a zoo in 1997. It was scary. I don't like snakes. Also did it at a circus for the amusement of a friend.

Go to a gig.

I have been to 2 Ash gigs with back stage passes, and one other gig with some band that were rubbish.

Win a trophy.

I have won three trophies in my lifetime. One was for a Bonnie Baby competition in Mosney in Dublin. The second was for a singing competition, but I lost it on the same day. I think I still have the medal I got as well though. The third was for a business and enterprise idea I and a classmate had. It came second in the Limerick Board of Enterprise schools competition, 2006. It came first from the Villiers category.

Win a Singing Competition.

Done and done.

Watch the sunrise.

I am an asthmatic. This means I take inhalers. These often have the effect of messing with my sleeping patterns, thus how I am typing this at 5:11am and not being tired. I used to, as a teenager, every summer, never sleep. I got about one hour to three hours a day. At the time I was very sensitive to the light of the Sun in the morning. Therefore I saw the sunrise most days for three months of the year for three years. It's not as pretty as a sunset!

Go to the Zoo.

I have been to many zoos. 1 in England, 1 in Florida, 1 in Dublin and 1 in Cork.

If you are still reading at this point I thank you for adventuring on this journey with me.
Here are some badges I would like to get in the future.

I can't ride a bike yet.

See a drive in movie.

I can't drive yet either.

I would love to learn the harp.

I have never flown a kite.... I know, sad right.

Write a song.

Make a music video

Visit Niagra Falls. I also wanna see Victoria Falls in Zimbabwe.

This is make a Vlog

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