Welcome to my blog. Here you will find things such as short stories I write, bits of novels, thoughts on Scripture that I'm reading, possibly talks that I have done (in text form) and sometimes a random thought that pops into my head.

The contents of some posts will be about my reading and will have bits of the little bit of life experience I have. Things such as "I saw a tree, it was an oak tree, I know because my life experience of primary school told me!"
Also there is a post on here about milk. Read that one, it's enjoyable!!
Some things you see here were written by a version of me I no longer agree with. I considered deleting these. I probably should. But I want to leave them here in order to show and indicate how someone can grow, learn, and have different opinions than they once held as they learn more about the world and themselves.

Monday 5 November 2012


I have been thinking today about the differences between CIT and UCC in terms of its graduates and where it appears their college is preparing them to go in the future.

In this discussion we must not include arts courses in UCC. As they are likely the exception that proves the rule.

My old housemate Dan did Architectural Technology in CIT. According to Dan himself this qualification will not allow him to own an architects office but will allow him be the person in the architects office that does all the work while the architect whose name is over the door gets all the credit.
In other words Dan was being trained to be an employee.

Similarly Andy, who recently transferred from Electronic Engineering in CIT to the same course in UCC notes that the course in CIT is much more focused on group work while UCC is independent working. Last year, while in CIT, Andy had to do a project and had difficulty getting the college to agree to allow him do something different from his colleagues.
In other words CIT was training Andy to be an employee! He was being trained not to think but to work with his colleagues on the task set by his boss. He wasn't being trained to be the boss. I imagine that if I compared other UCC degrees with other people's CIT degrees of the same type it would prove to be the same!

Therefore I have accurately concluded, based on the evidence I have seen, that CIT trains you to become an employee while UCC trains you to be the employer.

Perhaps CIT should change its slogan: "Come to CIT and when you leave someone will hire you." While UCC's can be "come to UCC, there's another college down the road teaming with people who will be more than willing to work on your ideas when you graduate."

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