Welcome to my blog. Here you will find things such as short stories I write, bits of novels, thoughts on Scripture that I'm reading, possibly talks that I have done (in text form) and sometimes a random thought that pops into my head.

The contents of some posts will be about my reading and will have bits of the little bit of life experience I have. Things such as "I saw a tree, it was an oak tree, I know because my life experience of primary school told me!"
Also there is a post on here about milk. Read that one, it's enjoyable!!
Some things you see here were written by a version of me I no longer agree with. I considered deleting these. I probably should. But I want to leave them here in order to show and indicate how someone can grow, learn, and have different opinions than they once held as they learn more about the world and themselves.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

TotD: Taps of the Day

So this TotD is a little different, because it's a Sunday and, although I read some of Samuel I have little to say today. So, you will notice in the title that 'Thought' has changed to 'Taps'

For those of you who might be needing some context here I am talking about the way my housemate, Colman, shows his appreciation of something he finds funny. The person who makes him laugh, gets a number of what he calls 'taps'. These taps are where Colman comes and wallops you on the back repeatedly; the number of taps being proportionate to how much you have made him laugh.

The majority of people, perhaps besides Conor and Dan, would rather that he did not engage in this practice, as Colman doesn't know his own strength. He does realise that they are hard but it is likely he doesn't realise how hard. Each 'tap' is slightly bone jarring, it sends a shock through your shoulders and down the arm he has tapped at. Here are three things I got tapped for today.

1. Stories of CEF in Limerick that he found funny. He particularly enjoyed a contrast between my and Shane's worst story and JJ's. JJs worst memory of CEF in Limerick was when some lower socio-economic background children came and threw stones at us and I came and blocked them from hitting her, getting hit myself instead. (This one is actually so normal to me that I don't remember it specifically). Mine, is what we affectionately know as the war. Hearing it called the war had Colman laughing before he heard the story.

For security reasons, specifically the security of Shane and I, I cannot divulge the full information of what we know as (at least from tonight) the war. Let us say it involved some rioting and a pregnant lady getting hurt, all over two children's squabbles.

2. This weekend Dominic paid a little visit to the gangland (other people call the place they are from the homeland, I thought this specific word was more apt to describe the warm fuzzy feelings I get when I think of Limerick city; I wish my parents would move!). He was gone for the whole weekend (hiking in Kerry, not in Limerick at all) and so, when it was getting a little late on Sunday and the housemates and I were wondering where he was, we came up with Limerick, for we knew he was certainly there on Thursday.
A mix of I and Shane said something to the effect of, "If Dominic isn't back from Limerick soon we will have to call the Guards." The thought of Shane and I saying that we would have to call the guards because someone was in our home city for a little bit longer than expected was hilarious to Colman (I apologise that the end of this sentence has been missing up until the day after. I must have deleted by accident)

3-4. Later on I made some tea for a newly returned Dominic, Colman, Shane and I. Shane made some comment, which escapes me right now and I handed him his tea with a 'whatever Shane' like comment.
Shane took his tea, but also had the milk in his hand and so he shouted out in pain as the mug began to burn him.
I simply turned around and said,
"Don't cross me."

This ^ gained me my third set of taps for the evening, and my fourth, when we were trying to remember the things I got taps for to put them in this blog.

There is a reason I wrote about taps tonight. That's because, for the first time ever, Colman got taps today.

C. 1. His first was when Dominic said he was talking to God on the bus on the way back from Kerry and Colman, not fully catching the word God, asked "Who?... God? Oh Him."
So Dominic and I had a laugh about Colman saying, 'Oh, Him' about God and gave Colman taps.

C. 2. He got a further tap when talking about his future missus possibly being foreign. There were two funny instances in this short conversation. The first was when Colman said his children would be freaks (because if he married someone from another country (he was clearly counting the UK and Ireland as the same country in this statement) then his children would know English, Irish and her language; making them freaks and getting them beaten up in school.

C. 3. The other funny thing that Colman got taps for was when Dominic said "just because your children speak three languages is no reason for them to be beaten up" (or something to that effect).
Colman's reaction was priceless, "I wouldn't beat them up."
He got taps for that.

Okay, so that's me done on taps.
Go mbeannaĆ­ Dia dhuit :)

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