Welcome to my blog. Here you will find things such as short stories I write, bits of novels, thoughts on Scripture that I'm reading, possibly talks that I have done (in text form) and sometimes a random thought that pops into my head.

The contents of some posts will be about my reading and will have bits of the little bit of life experience I have. Things such as "I saw a tree, it was an oak tree, I know because my life experience of primary school told me!"
Also there is a post on here about milk. Read that one, it's enjoyable!!
Some things you see here were written by a version of me I no longer agree with. I considered deleting these. I probably should. But I want to leave them here in order to show and indicate how someone can grow, learn, and have different opinions than they once held as they learn more about the world and themselves.

Thursday 1 November 2012

Ice on the Bridge

Last night, the eve of Hallow's, Shane's girlfriend was working as a dancer in a nightclub. She finished at three am and so he was going to pick her up. I went too as ya, loud scary night.

So we are walking along Pope's Quay and about to cross the footbridge outside Apartment 87 when I find it is a little hard to walk on it. The bridge had a tiny layer of ice.

How annoying is that? Ice, in October-November first.

I am not a big fan of ice.

Shane once wrote a song with the lyrics:

"Angels cried out to me in a deep, red, sunrise shepherd's warning; not to step out of line.
But I am too good for advice, I'd rather slip on the frozen ice with you love, with you, my love."

In absolutely no circumstances ever would I rather slip on frozen ice yet the stuff gets me once a year every year (in December).

2009- I was back in Limerick it is the 30th of December and I went to stay in Shane's house. We went to see Avatar in the cinema but, unbeknownst to myself there was a pothole that was now a skating rink.
I slipped on it and managed to regain my balance, after much flailing about and slipping and a lot of help from Shane I regained my balance on pothole ice pool. Then, as soon as Shane let go and I moved a foot, I actually fell and landed on my backside. Ice 1, Wavey 0.

2010 in a walk to Izzy's house to watch 'The Late Late Toy Show' I did what has come to be known as my 'interpretive dance on the economy'. This was when, outside the Lough Church, I slipped and fell in another largely flailing about the place way but got up pretty quickly (as was our hopes after economic depression set in). Ice 2, Wavey 0.

Also at Christmas (later in Decmember) it snowed and Dan, Colman and I went to play in the Quad in the snow and went on for 1.50 pizzas in Four Star. It was a horrible walk but the playing in the snow, despite the ice, was fun and although it took 3 times as long (we ate in 4*) I did not slip and fall, though came close many times. Ice 2, Wavey 1.

Last year, 2011, while a teacher in Deerpark CBS, it got icy during exam week and I had to walk to school in it, meaning that a trip that generally takes me 20 minutes took me 35 (so I was a little late, not much the exam hadn't started). As I came into Deerpark someone slipped and fell and slid down the hill towards the school. I slipped and slide-d towards the grass and used the grass to walk down the hill to avoid the fall.
Ice 2, Wavey 2. I fell in the Lough Church on the red marked out path that I so legalistically walk along even when it is treacherous, on my way home that day though. Ice 3, Wavey 2.

Lastly, on my way to the Deerpark staff dinner, the little bridge that is very hilly on both sides, that leads to the River Lee Hotel had a sheet of ice up and down it (when we were leaving). I managed, holding onto the rail for dear life, to get across it without falling. Ice 3, Wavey 3.

Well Mr. Ice, as you begin to make your come back it seems we are at a tie... It will be interesting to battle you again this year.


That is all, thank you!

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