Welcome to my blog. Here you will find things such as short stories I write, bits of novels, thoughts on Scripture that I'm reading, possibly talks that I have done (in text form) and sometimes a random thought that pops into my head.

The contents of some posts will be about my reading and will have bits of the little bit of life experience I have. Things such as "I saw a tree, it was an oak tree, I know because my life experience of primary school told me!"
Also there is a post on here about milk. Read that one, it's enjoyable!!
Some things you see here were written by a version of me I no longer agree with. I considered deleting these. I probably should. But I want to leave them here in order to show and indicate how someone can grow, learn, and have different opinions than they once held as they learn more about the world and themselves.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

100 Questions, Getting to know a Wavey (part 1, with pictures)

Someone sent me a link to these 84 questions... I won't do all 100 here, I will do 25.

1. Put your iPhone on shuffle and list the first ten songs.
Seriously? Okay...
1. Let my words be few- Matt Redman
2. Undignified- Matt Redman.
3. Oh no Little Things- One Direction.
4. God of this city- Chris Tomlin.
5. A Thousand Years, part 2- Christina Perri (yes, it is from Twilight... I shouldn't have done this...)
6. Death of Death- Charlie Hall live at Passion 2013.
7. Here's my Heart- Crowder live at Passion 2013.
8. Once Again- Matt Redman.
9. Our God (violin version)- Chris Tomlin.
10. The Imperial March- John Williams, Star Wars Original Saga Soundtrack.

2. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Would you take anyone with you?
Orlando Florida, Disneyworld, Universal Studios, the Florida Keys, Kennedy Space Station, Busch Gardens etc. Everyone if I could afford to.

3. What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen)
I used to have a blue pencil (grey lead) that I wrote the ODDs with. Nowadays I am a simple Bic biro man... I like blue and black ones. The IBI (UCC Society Guild Pens from 2011) are really good too. These days I type way more than I write though.

4. Favourite month, and why?
Random, I don't really like any month more than any other. I don't like December or January, they are too cold. May, I think May is my favourite month. It's the start of summer, the wasps aren't out yet (I immensely fear and dislike wasps), college and school come to a close.... yeah May.

5. Do you have connections to any celebrities?
Technically there are about two fans of the ODDs in the world at the moment so that would make me a celebrity to them! Does that count?
I kinda know Leanne Moore (winner of some RTE X Factor thing, backing singer in the Eurovision for Ireland and Sandy in the recent production of Grease in the Cork Opera House).
A friend of mine in school is the nephew of Tim Wheeler, the lead singer of the band Ash and my cousin used to babysit for Richard Harris... I met the previous three Irish Presidents at one point or another in my life, and Eamon Gilmore (the present Tanaiste). I also stood on the same stone as St. Paul in Corinth... Ok, now I'm really clutching at straws haha.

6. Name 5 items you can pick up from where you are right now?
My phone, my laptop, 'City of Ashes' (book two in the Mortal Instruments Series by Clare), 'The Cost of Discipleship' by Bonhoeffer and my pillow.

7. What brand logo is closest to you currently?
Does this mean physically or to my heart?
Doesn't make a difference, both are Coca-Cola. I love Coke (of the drinking variety) and there is a can of it on my nightstand right now.

8. Do you ever play board games?
Seldom if at all. I own chess, the Buffy board game, Monopoly here and now Ireland, Monopoly Cork, Monopoly all Ireland edition, Discovering Ireland. Of those I have played 2.

9. Name a music artist you love that isn't well known.
Oh dear... Kurt Hugo Schneider... I am an unoriginal individual.
TG Lurgan, I liked them way before this whole Avicii thing.

10. Name a music artist you love that is well known.
Much better question. Owl City, Katy Perry, P!nk, all of the ones.

11. What is your desktop background?
The same one as came with the laptop.

12. Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them?
Andy and Jon before we all went to our rooms tonight, through the wonderful piece of modern technology known as my mouth.

13. First Colour name you can think of that isn't in the rainbow?
Black, like my soul!

14. What time keeping devices are in the room you are currently in?
My watch, my phone and my laptop, but not my internal clock... it's broken!

15. What kind of headphones do you use?
They are white, with a little red, Sony ones. I, like most of the things in my life, won them (this particular prize was from a Coca-Cola competition.)

16. What is your favourite food?
It is a toss up between the very Irish mash, or the Chinese Chicken with Green Pepper in Black Bean Sauce.

mmmm mash.

17. Does virginity mean anything to you?
Yes, God designed man and woman to be together with one another in marriage. It would be awesome if this was still respected by our generation. Really sad thing that it isn't, and even sometimes among Christians :(

18. Do you own any games consoles?
I hate video games. Despite this I own an original Xbox, though I have not touched it in about, a long time. I bought it for KOTOR (a Star Wars game) and the two Buffy games. I have completed two of the three.

19. What pets do you have?
I once had two goldfish, Power and Kid. I also had half a cat, called SnowB.
My sister owns a cat called Tara, I'm sure my brother has vermin of some sort and Andy has 5 goldfish, Flounder, Nemo, SunnyD, Othello and CORock.

20. What's the best job you have ever had?
I don't know if it counts but if so it was definitely Auditor of the UCC Christian Union. That was a year of challenge, stretching, blessing, stress, frustration, despair, hope and growth. Praise God for the opportunity to learn how to serve Him. :)

21. What's the worst job you ever had?
I was an examiner once. I examined Higher Level Junior Cert Religious Education.
I absolutely hate projects. (Remember, JC students, put the title in there as often as possible and talk about what you did and what the overall project was. Don't spend 15 pages talking about how you bought a thank you card and had to make a life altering decision as to whether to pick the one with the flower or the puppy). Not actual answers, illustrative purposes only, no breach in contract here.
I went to the cinema at 11:30 with Andy and some other people I don't remember who, on a Saturday and during the 2 hour movie my supervisor phoned me 4 times.
It was madness. Don't do it unless you are homeless!

22. What magazines do you buy, if any?
Oh, another embarrassing one.
-Writers Magazine,
-Batmobile Collection,
-Star Trek Ships Collection,
-Total Film,
-Star Wars,
-History Magazine,
-Soap ones sometimes,

23. Inspiration behind your blog title?
Wavey's Thoughts? Really? My name's Wavey and I think things.
I have one called Just Wavey too, that was something I said and Mirka made into a brand.

24. Do you wear socks to bed?
No, nor do I wear a top.

25. Favourite item of clothing?
This is really hard.
I am the proud owner of a Superman Cape, a Superman hoody, four CU hoodies, a Coca-Cola shirt, a Papal costume, a hoody made for me about how inspiration Waves are, a Mickey Mouse hoody from Disneyland Paris this summer, and denim shirts... I love all of these things...

Here's some pictures with some of those things in them:

Ok, that's 25. Tune in soon for the next 25...

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